Friday, January 14, 2011


"Just remember, the same as a spectacular Vogue magazine, remember that no matter how close you follow the jumps: Continued on page whatever. No matter how careful you are, there's going to be the sense you missed something, the collapsed feeling under your skin that you didn't experience it all. There's that fallen heart feeling that you rushed right through the moments where you should've been paying attention. Well, get used to that feeling. That's how your whole life will feel some day. This is all practice. None of this matters. We're just warming up."
--Chuck Palahniuk

...And so it goes... I'm not going to lie here. I wanted to open my brand spankin' new blog with a bang - something inspirational and maybe even eye-opening at the same time. Something other than "hey, here's my new blog. enjoy." In school, I always had the natural tendency to begin an essay with a quote. You know, something that sparks interest and is relevant at the same time. Well, naturally, for this blog, I thought 'why not, I'll look up a quote'. However, the process of finding a quote literally entailed me typing the word "quote" into Bing (specific, I know). As I typed, the search result "quotes about life" auto-guessed for me. Of course I clicked on it and the first result that came up was Going with the flow, I clicked this top result. The page loaded and BAM: inspiration. This quote was the very FIRST quote in the quote of quotes. I almost skipped over it, but once I read it I thought, yeah that's just about exactly what I want to start my blog with. It's dramatic, it's inspirational, it's depressing, it's mind-explodingly complex...It's just like the movie Fight Club (which makes sense to me now that I realize who Chuck Palahniuk is...I always get him mixed up with Chuck Klosterman). But I digress...

Here's my new blog. Enjoy.

I won't say much in this first entry. I feel like I just needed to get it out there, let it soak on the interwebs for a while and then come back and start posting like a...postman? You know what they say, the first one is always the hardest. Or is it the first cut is the deepest? Either way, the waiting is the hardest part. And most likely, the hardest button to button.

So here it is, Blog #1...On Life, Sports and the Pursuit of the ONE. (Title still TBD)

[Thoughts on the some of my "readers" will know (I use readers in quotes because, you know, who knows who is actually reading this), I originally planned to make a blog completely dedicated to the concept of the ONE (If you're not familiar to this concept, you clearly haven't hung around me long enough on any given weekend night). While I still plan to dwell on this concept in many an entry, I would also like to talk about other things that spark my interest. Like sports. Yeah, sports! Because I like sports and I don't care who knows!]

So yeah. There ya go. Blog #1. (or should I say Blog #ONE...)

[P.S. It took me a solid 17 seconds to realize the unintended pun between the title of this post and the template I used for the blog. Ha.]

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